Pocket WiFi or eSIM? A comparison..

Comparing Pocket WiFi and eSIM

In today’s world staying connected is critical for elevating traveling experience. In this blog we will share two latest ways to access internet 1) Pocket WiFi and 2) eSIM especially on your international trip. They both help you access internet on your devices, but they work in different ways. Let’s explore ten important aspects to compare these technologies and figure out which one might be right for  you and answer to queries like Pocket WiFi or eSIM. Pocket Wifi or eSIM iPhone

What they look like?

Pocket WiFi: It is like a tiny box that looks a bit like a small router you can carry around.

eSIM: While eSIM is a term for a digital SIM card that’s already inbuilt with your device, like your phone or tablet and not physical in nature.

SIM Card:

Pocket WiFi: It needs a little physical SIM card that you put in to connect to the internet. It’s like a tiny chip that helps your device talk to the internet.

eSIM: They dont need a physical card. The SIM card is already built into your device, which makes things pretty simple. CHECK FAQs

Eco-Friendly Appeal:

Pocket Wifi: Pocket WiFi is a separate device, which means more manufacturing and waste. So, from a green perspective, eSIM is considered a greener choice.

eSIM: When it comes to being eco-friendly, one big difference between eSIM and Pocket WiFi is that eSIM is part of your phone or tablet. This means it uses the same materials and manufacturing processes as your device, making it more environmentally friendly


Pocket wifi: You can switch between different plans by changing physical SIM cards. This is handy if you want to change your carrier or plan when you don’t have a compatible eSIM device or the operators in that country don’t support eSIM Technology.

eSIM: eSIM lets you switch between carriers digitally, meaning you can do it without changing any physical cards. This is great if you want things to be quick and easy.

What devices they work with/compatibility

Pocket WiFi: Pocket WiFi is can be paired with many device that can connect to WiFi. It’s versatile and can be used with lots of gadgets.

eSIM: But eSIM is not supported on all devices – it only works with devices that support eSIM technology. So, if your device doesn’t have it, you should not consider buying eSIM packages. Compatible eSIM Devices


Pocket WiFi: For people always on the move, both options have something to offer. Pocket WiFi is like a little device that you can take with you everywhere.

eSIM: eSIM is already inside your device, so you don’t need any extra gadgets. It’s like having the internet in your phone or tablet without carrying anything extra item.

Sharing the internet

Pocket WiFi: Pocket WiFi is awesome at this. It’s designed to let multiple devices connect at the same time.

eSIM: On the other hand, eSIM WiFi hotspot might allow sharing their internet with other gadgets but they tend to drain the battery of parent device much faster . eSIM Wifi Spot coverage area is generally smaller than Pocket WiFi. It is important for the parent device that is doing the eSIM Wifi Hotspot to be not far from the devices that are accessing it.


Pocket WiFi: When it comes to batteries, Pocket WiFi has its own little power source. You need to charge it to keep it going.

eSIM: On the flip side, eSIM relies on the battery of your device. So, if your device runs out of battery, your internet might take a break too.

This is a very important factor when you are choosing Pocket Wifi or eSIM as carrying additional charger just to ensure Pocket WiFi battery does not run out might not be preferred for many travelers & point to note is mobile phone is something you always carry whether you use it. It is better to optimise benefits from mobile phone that to carry an extra device that needs extra attention.

Going global

Pocket WiFi: For those jet-setting around the globe, staying connected internationally is a big deal. Pocket WiFi lets you swap local SIM cards when you travel, avoiding those big roaming charges. Not many people like being in the queue to buy local sim cards and then changing the SIM often by removing it and inserting the new ones.

eSIM: With eSIM, you can digitally switch between local carriers by buying the Data packages online and activating through QR Code, making it a handy choice for international globetrotters. Don’t forget to download WiFi Map before flying, using it along with eSIM Data plans can elevate your travel experience significantly giving you the mental peace of connectivity and better geographical awareness of the location.

Managing Internet

Pocket Wifi: Pocket WiFi means you have to keep track of a separate device for internet access. Many solo travelers or backpackers and most of travlers would not prefer carry extra item when there are alternate option on mobile device like eSIM WiFi Hotspot.

eSIM: But with eSIM, everything is managed right on your device. It’s like having the remote control and TV in one – very convenient!

On managing internet through mobile handset for solo travelers, eSIM wins the battle handsdown

Money Matters

Pocket Wifi: Finally, let’s talk about the cost. Pocket WiFi costs depend on the device, the carrier, and the data plan you choose.

eSIM: On the other hand, eSIM users have to consider the device cost, carrier plans, and the flexibility to switch plans digitally. It’s like comparing buying a whole game versus buying extra lives in a game – both have their costs, and it depends on what you prefer.

Conclusion: Our take on Pocket WiFi or eSIM

If you are traveling in group- Pocket WiFi is a better option because the device is meant for multiple hotspot sharing, allowing a large group of individuals to access internet. It is critical that you carry the charger of pocket WiFi as once battery dies out it can impact a lot of people’s experience. Who should use :- Tour Guides, Cabs and Transportation business giving your travelers 24/7 connectivity.

If you already own eSIM compatible device  and are traveling solo or in small group or adventure seeking or confident traveler who loves exploring on your own then eSIM is a natural choice. Mobile handsets can allow hotspot sharing but by their inherent nature they are not designed for sharing it with large group for internet access.   Who should use :- Women travelers, Business travelers, Solo traveler, Adventure seeking . Do Check out which type of traveler you are!

If you an Enterprise or company that uses 24/7 internet & wanting to incorporate eco friendliness or promote sustainable ways of doing business—adopting eSIM is an easy way to project your commitment in CSR campaigns.

We hope the article helps you clarify the doubts for queries like Pocket Wifi or eSIM, Pocket WiFi or eSIM iPhone. Feel free to write back to us if you have more queries related to this topics on admin@hubbingecom.com

Note :This information is only meant update the travelers about the two latest ways to access internet. Since everyone has different preferences and needs, whether Pocket WiFi or eSIM is better depends on your situation. Before deciding, it’s a good idea to think about your specific needs, do more research, or get advice from experts


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